Use this workbook to think through your church's culture and focus in order to assess what is and dream about what is possible

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The language we use matters

You heard it early in the pandemic, when wise people urged us to talk about “physical distancing” rather “social distancing.” Language matters. It shapes how we think, feel, and act. In the case of being apart from one another, contrasting physical to social isolation emphasized that we still could and should remain connected, even as we stayed at home to keep ourselves and one another safe.

We’re at a point in the Covid crisis when it’s again important to pay close attention to the words we use.

Instead of “re-opening,” say “re-gathering in person.” Many of you have already made this shift. While the church’s physical plant might have been closed, the Church never was. To claim such would be to deny the hard work of ministers and lay leaders and the presence of Christ in all times and places.

Instead of “getting back,” say “moving forward.” The former suggests we will spring back to pre-pandemic practices as if Covid was a nightmare we can shake off rather than a reality-altering event on a global scale. We will waste the pain of the past year if we don’t learn from it and make changes based on what we glean.

Instead of “normal,” say “a new way of being.” Normal conjures up nostalgia for a time that never will be - shouldn’t be - again. Normal has left out too many people. Normal has been too stuck in it ways. Normal has been too enamored of itself to ponder changes needed in order to remain faithful.

Instead of “how soon can we lose the precautions?” ask “how can we continue to show care through caution?” Understandably, people are ready to shed masks and hug their church friends. But the numbers show that we are not past the danger, and we’ll be right back in the thick of it if we aren’t careful. It is an act of discipleship to continue to protect one another.

Instead of “but I’m vaccinated” ask “who isn’t yet vaccinated?” While in some areas vaccine supply now surpasses demand, that is not the case everywhere. There are people with health concerns who aren’t yet willing or able to get their shots, and while we might be on the brink of teen vaccination, the timeline for younger children remains uncertain. It’s important to keep asking who remains at risk and plan around those folks.

How might you help your church people make these shifts in language so that they can make accompanying changes in expectations and focus? And what other language replacements would you recommend?

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash.